Courses, workshops, seminars and other meetings.
We are happy to present this fall’s micro workshop series hosted by the LifeScience & Nano (aka NanoBio) subarea of NanoLund.
The program will typically consist of short presentations by the people listed in parentheses followed by open-minded discussions with the purpose of getting to know each other and each other's research interests, but also to identify any opportunities for collaborations or larger workshops.
Feel free to bring your own slides if you would like to highlight your own research.
The topics fall within the interests of Nanobio, but we would like to encourage anyone who is interested from other subareas within NanoLund to join. In addition to satisfying a general curiosity about other fields, our hope is that this might open for novel ideas in the intersection between different disciplines
Location: H421, Fysikum
Time and Date: 2022, Oct 14th, 13:00
Host Contact:
Location: H421, Fysikum
Time and Date: 2022, Dec 2nd, 13:00
Host Contact:
Barts Cancer Institute, London
Cytoskeleton remodelling as a key hallmark of cancer
Location: Segerfalksalen Lecture Hall, BMC A10
Time and Date: 2022, Sept 22nd, 09:00
Host Contact:
Proffesor of Molecular Cell Biology
University of Turku, FI
Endosomal trac of integrins and HER-family members in breast cancer
Location: Segerfalksalen Lecture Hall, BMC A10
Time and Date: 2020, March 4th, 14:00
Host Contact: