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The first two important publications from the Austin group at Princeton

Huang, L. R., et al. (2004). "Continuous particle separation through deterministic lateral displacement." Science 304(5673): 987-990.

            We report on a microfluidic particle-separation device that makes use of the asymmetric bifurcation of laminar flow around obstacles. A particle chooses its path deterministically on the basis of its size. All particles of a given size follow equivalent migration paths, leading to high resolution. The microspheres of 0.8, 0.9, and 1.0 micrometers that were used to characterize the device were sorted in 40 seconds with a resolution of similar to10 nanometers, which was better than the time and resolution of conventional flow techniques. Bacterial artificial chromosomes could be separated in 10 minutes with a resolution of similar to12%.


Inglis, D. W. (2009). "Efficient microfluidic particle separation arrays." Applied Physics Letters 94(1).

            Microfluidic particle separation arrays are capable of passive sorting of microparticles or cells by size while avoiding blockage. Despite the usefulness of boundaries for concentration and parallel integration of arrays, separation efficiency is severely degraded in the areas adjacent to the boundaries due to the aberrant fluid flow found there. This letter shows how to eliminate this problem by modifying the boundary interface. At each row the boundary is moved by a specific amount to ensure a linear change in flux from row to row, which leads to uniform flow patterns and improved separation characteristics throughout the array.

Subsequent publications from the tegenfeldt group

Beech, J. P. and J. O. Tegenfeldt (2008). "Tuneable separation in elastomeric microfluidics devices."Lab on a Chip8(5): 657-659.

We describe how the elastomeric properties of PDMS (polydimethylsiloxane) can be utilised to achieve tuneable particle separation in Deterministic Lateral Displacement devices via strain controlled alteration of inter-obstacle distances, a development that opens up new avenues toward more effective separation of particles in microfluidics devices.

Beech, J. P., et al. (2009). "Tipping the balance of deterministic lateral displacement devices using dielectrophoresis."Lab on a Chip9(18): 2698-2706.

We report the use of dielectrophoresis (DEP) to achieve tunability, improve dynamic range and open up for the separation of particles with regard to parameters other than hydrodynamic size in deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) devices. DLD devices have been shown capable of rapidly and continuously separating micrometer sized plastic spheres by size with a resolution of 20 nm in diameter and of being able to handle the separation of biological samples as wide ranging as bacterial artificial chromosomes and blood cells. DEP, while not exhibiting the same resolution in size separation as DLD, has the benefit of being easy to tune and can, by choosing the frequency, be used to probe a variety of particle properties. By combining DLD and DEP we open up for the advantages, while avoiding the drawbacks, of the two techniques. We present a proof of principle in which the critical size for separation of polystyrene beads is tuned in the range 2-6 mu m in a single device by the application of moderate (100 V cm(-1)), low frequency (100 Hz) AC electric fields. The behaviour of the device was further investigated by performing simulations of particle trajectories, the results of which were in good qualitative agreement with experiments, indicating the potential of the method for tunable, high-resolution separations with respect to both size and polarisability.

Holm, S. H., et al. (2011). "Separation of parasites from human blood using deterministic lateral displacement."Lab on a Chip11(7): 1326-1332.

We present the use of a simple microfluidic technique to separate living parasites from human blood. Parasitic trypanosomatids cause a range of human and animal diseases. African trypanosomes, responsible for human African trypanosomiasis (sleeping sickness), live free in the blood and other tissue fluids. Diagnosis relies on detection and due to their often low numbers against an overwhelming background of predominantly red blood cells it is crucial to separate the parasites from the blood. By modifying the method of deterministic lateral displacement, confining parasites and red blood cells in channels of optimized depth which accentuates morphological differences, we were able to achieve separation thus offering a potential route to diagnostics.

Beech, J. P., et al. (2012). "Sorting cells by size, shape and deformability."Lab on a Chip12(6): 1048-1051.

While size has been widely used as a parameter in cellular separations, in this communication we show how shape and deformability, a mainly untapped source of specificity in preparative and analytical microfluidic devices can be measured and used to separate cells.

Henry, E., et al. (2016). "Sorting cells by their dynamical properties."Scientific Reports6.

Recent advances in cell sorting aim at the development of novel methods that are sensitive to various mechanical properties of cells. Microfluidic technologies have a great potential for cell sorting; however, the design of many micro-devices is based on theories developed for rigid spherical particles with size as a separation parameter. Clearly, most bioparticles are non-spherical and deformable and therefore exhibit a much more intricate behavior in fluid flow than rigid spheres. Here, we demonstrate the use of cells' mechanical and dynamical properties as biomarkers for separation by employing a combination of mesoscale hydrodynamic simulations and microfluidic experiments. The dynamic behavior of red blood cells (RBCs) within deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) devices is investigated for different device geometries and viscosity contrasts between the intra-cellular fluid and suspending medium. We find that the viscosity contrast and associated cell dynamics clearly determine the RBC trajectory through a DLD device. Simulation results compare well to experiments and provide new insights into the physical mechanisms which govern the sorting of non-spherical and deformable cells in DLD devices. Finally, we discuss the implications of cell dynamics for sorting schemes based on properties other than cell size, such as mechanics and morphology.

Holm, S. H., et al. (2016). "Simplifying microfluidic separation devices towards field-detection of blood parasites."Analytical Methods8(16): 3291-3300.

With our sights set on a simple and inexpensive diagnostics device based on extraction and enrichment of parasites from human blood, we present a device design that relies on a combination of multiple different deterministic lateral displacement arrays. Our end goal is a microfluidic device that will be easy to use in the rural, resource-deprived areas where simple-to-use medical tools are crucially needed for rapid and accurate diagnosis. Here, we exemplify this in the application of blood parasite enrichment from a sample of blood. With trypanosomes as a model system we show a combination of functionalities designed into a single device based on several deterministic lateral displacement arrays of different depths arranged in series. With only one inlet and no expensive or complicated pumping mechanisms to run separations we ensure the level of simplicity necessary for field use.

Beech, J. P., et al. (2018). "Separation of pathogenic bacteria by chain length." Analytica Chimica Acta 1000: 223-231.

            Using Deterministic Lateral Displacement devices optimized for sensitivity to particle length, we separate subpopulations of bacteria depending on known properties that affect their capability to cause disease (virulence). For the human bacterial pathogen Streptococcus pneumoniae, bacterial chain length and the presence of a capsule are known virulence factors contributing to its ability to cause severe disease. Separation of cultured pneumococci into subpopulations based on morphological type (single cocci, diplococci and chains) will enable more detailed studies of the role they play in virulence. Moreover, we present separation of mixed populations of almost genetically identical encapsulated and non-encapsulated pneumococcal strains in our device.


Beech, J. P., et al. (2019). "Active Posts in Deterministic Lateral Displacement Devices." Advanced Materials Technologies 4(9).

            Using electrically connected metal-coated posts in a deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) device and applying electric fields, electrokinetics is used to tune separations, significantly decrease the critical size for separation, and increase the dynamic range with switching times on the order of seconds. The strength of DLD stems from its binary behavior. To first approximation, particles move in one out of two trajectories based on their effective size. For particles that are close to the threshold size, a small external force is sufficient to nudge the particles from one trajectory to another. The devices consist of arrays of cylindrical metal-coated SU-8 posts connected by an underlying metal layer. This allows the application of voltages at the post surfaces and the generation of electric field gradients between neighboring posts, causing polarizable particles to experience a dielectrophoretic (DEP) force. This force, which depends on the volume and polarizability of the particle, can be made sufficient to push particles from one trajectory into another. In this way, the critical size in a device, normally fixed by the geometry, can be tuned. What's more, adding DEP in this way allows for the simultaneous creation of multiple size fractions.


Ho, B. D., et al. (2020). "Charge-Based Separation of Micro- and Nanoparticles." Micromachines 11(11).

            Deterministic Lateral Displacement (DLD) is a label-free particle sorting method that separates by size continuously and with high resolution. By combining DLD with electric fields (eDLD), we show separation of a variety of nano and micro-sized particles primarily by their zeta potential. Zeta potential is an indicator of electrokinetic charge-the charge corresponding to the electric field at the shear plane-an important property of micro- and nanoparticles in colloidal or separation science. We also demonstrate proof of principle of separation of nanoscale liposomes of different lipid compositions, with strong relevance for biomedicine. We perform careful characterization of relevant experimental conditions necessary to obtain adequate sorting of different particle types. By choosing a combination of frequency and amplitude, sorting can be made sensitive to the particle subgroup of interest. The enhanced displacement effect due to electrokinetics is found to be significant at low frequency and for particles with high zeta potential. The effect appears to scale with the square of the voltage, suggesting that it is associated with either non-linear electrokinetics or dielectrophoresis (DEP). However, since we observe large changes in separation behavior over the frequency range at which DEP forces are expected to remain constant, DEP can be ruled out.


Ho, B. D., et al. (2021). "Cell Sorting Using Electrokinetic Deterministic Lateral Displacement." Micromachines12(1).

            We show that by combining deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) with electrokinetics, it is possible to sort cells based on differences in their membrane and/or internal structures. Using heat to deactivate cells, which change their viability and structure, we then demonstrate sorting of a mixture of viable and non-viable cells for two different cell types. For Escherichia coli, the size change due to deactivation is insufficient to allow size-based DLD separation. Our method instead leverages the considerable change in zeta potential to achieve separation at low frequency. Conversely, for Saccharomyces cerevisiae (Baker's yeast) the heat treatment does not result in any significant change of zeta potential. Instead, we perform the sorting at higher frequency and utilize what we believe is a change in dielectrophoretic mobility for the separation. We expect our work to form a basis for the development of simple, low-cost, continuous label-free methods that can separate cells and bioparticles based on their intrinsic properties.